Creator Of “The Boondocks”, Will Not Be involved in Fourth Season

Not sure if they will keep the same creative progressive niche without my man here, hope they studied well!

Z 107.9


You may have to cut your celebration of the belated return of the controversial adventures of Riley, Huey and Grandad a little short. The Root is reporting that Aaron McGruder, creator and executive producer, has had no input in the upcoming fourth season of the Adult Swim series airing on the Cartoon Network. McGruder alleged on Facebook awhile back that the series had been “hijacked”.

Adult Swim issued an official statement:

“This season was produced without the involvement of Aaron McGruder, when a mutually agreeable production schedule could not be determined.​”

The Boondocks is set to return on April 21 according to the series official Facebook page.

Both parties aren’t giving details on just what led to McGruder’s departure from the show that originally started out as a comic strip while he was in college at The University of Maryland. It was a cartoon that had bold commentary of African-American…

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